About Us
Frequently Asked Questions About Barrie Christian Hospice:
What is Barrie Christian Hospice?
Barrie Christian Hospice (BCH) is an organization that assists people who are faced with a life-threatening illness by providing non-medical support and emphasizing an invitation to the abundant life in Jesus Christ as an enhancement to professional palliative medical care. Its trained volunteers give spiritual, emotional, and practical support to the patient and their family members, at no charge, as well as assist the medical professionals who provide end of life care.
What is the motivation behind a Christian Hospice?
Barrie Christian Hospice is motivated to serve as an enhancement to the palliative needs of the terminally-ill because we believe that while there are many aspects involved in hospice palliative care, the most impacting is the spiritual aspect and that the only truly spiritual experience comes from having a relationship with God through the LORD Jesus Christ as revealed through the Holy Bible.
What kind of support does Barrie Christian Hospice provide to the person with a terminal illness?
The support that Barrie Christian Hospice provides may begin at the time when a person becomes aware of a terminal illness and is ready to accept palliative care, and may continue after the person's death, at the request of the family. This support upholds the dignity of the person as a human being throughout their final days of life, thereby enhancing their quality of life.
Hospice visiting volunteers provide that enhancement by the following:
Support services - companionship, friendly visiting, active listening, bedside sitting, letter writing.
Share hobbies and special interests - reading, gardening, listening to music, sports, travel, crafts.
Assisting with errands - grocery shopping, picking up prescriptions/ supplies, banking.
Transport patient/ family - appointments, shopping, social outings.
Spiritual support - During the in-home visits, the volunteer has opportunities to discuss with the patient their hopes and fears about dying. The volunteer also has opportunities to invite the patient into a saving knowledge of the LORD Jesus Christ through grace. By offering to give to the patient a Bible and reading from the Bible the words of comfort and strength that God offers to us by forgiveness and redemption through His Son Jesus Christ, the volunteer offers the only true means of strength and hope that a person can receive.
Having a visiting volunteer carry out the various acts of assisting and supporting the patient during the visits, he or she and their family will experience the love and compassion of the LORD Jesus Christ and ease their burden.
Is Barrie Christian Hospice a registered charity?
Barrie Christian Hospice is a registered charity recognized by the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency.
How can I support Barrie Christian Hospice?
Please Pray regularly for Barrie Christian Hospice:
That this ministry will be led by the LORD and serve Him according to His perfect will;
That the Board of Directors will seek the LORD's wisdom and guidance in the ministry's leadership;
That the visiting volunteers and support staff will serve the LORD as instruments in His hands;
That people whom the LORD is calling, those who are living with terminal illness, will come to know the LORD Jesus Christ and receive salvation and that they will experience His love and compassion during their final earthly days.
From where does Barrie Christian Hospice receive financial support?
Barrie Christian Hospice receives 100% of its financial support from private donations. Barrie Christian Hospice is grateful for all donations and will issue a tax-deductible receipt.